Kamyar M. Hedayat, MD is president of American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrative Medicine (http://www.endobiogeny.com), co-president of Systems Biology Research Group, and medical director of Full Spectrum Health Center for Integrative Medicine (http://www.fshcenter.com). Originally trained in pediatric intensive care medicine at Stanford University, Dr. Hedayat’s early career focused on medical ethics, alternative and complimentary therapies, and death and dying in children. Dr. Hedayat was director of integrative medicine and pediatric intensive care where he created the first holistic intensive care unit in 2005. In 2007 he started his training with Dr. Jean-Claude Lapraz in Endobiogeny.
Dr. Hedayat is author of over 20 medical articles, 3 of which on endobiogenic medicine and systems theory. In addition to his medical practice, he teaches a post-graduate program in endobiogenic medicine and integrative physiology in the United States (Chicago, Illinois) and Kaunas, Lithuania.